Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Seed Money - How to get it

In the beginning, well, you're broke. You barely have enough for a good weapon and armor. How are you going to build a WoW Gold empire?

This part is easy but a little time consuming.

First, you need a gathering profession. Learn Herbalism or Mining or, if you want to get rich faster, both. If you're under level 10 you'll probably have to make your way to the closest major city for your race to get this training. Get trained and then move on to step 2.

Second, gather. Make complete tours of low level areas and gather minerals and/or herbs. These your going to sell at the Auction House for so you can have the resources to make even more WoW Gold! Go around the low level areas two or three times. It can take a couple hours but it'll pay off.

Once you've done that you can make your way to a major city and sell your hard won materials on the Auction House!

In the next post we'll go over Auction House basics and the Auctioneer add-on.

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